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Frequently Asked Questions

While some of these may be specific to snakes in the Cave Creek area, many will apply to snakes in general.
What do I do if I run into a rattlesnake while hiking?

If you’re out at Spur Cross and come across a rattlesnake, the answer is easy: walk away. If you see the snake (or hear it), the danger is already over. If you choose to ignore the warning and approach it, to do what many men do when faced with an easy “threat” to overcome, whatever happens is your own fault.

Really, on almost any trail, there are no situations where you can’t just go around the snake. Yes this may mean briefly stepping off the trail for a detour, but I am sure those in charge of protecting the park would rather you do that than mess with the native wildlife.

I have a rattlesnake in my yard. How do I have it relocated?

Call Rattlesnake Solutions at 480-237-9975 for 24/7 Snake Removal.

When you call, make sure to keep an eye on the snake. The person you speak to will ask you some questions, like what part of town you live in and perhaps what the snake looks like, and will provide instructions from there. 

How do I keep rattlesnakes out of my yard?

The best and most effective way to keep rattlesnakes out of your yard is to have a rattlesnake fence professionally installed. This is a combination of wire mesh, steel, concrete, and other materials that is designed to provide a barrier that rattlesnakes cannot get through.

More information about rattlesnake fence installation in Cave Creek.

You can also make changes to your yard to make it less attractive to rattlesnakes. Any features that provide food, water, and shelter, may be attracting snakes.

How far can a rattlesnake strike?

Generally, a rattlesnake can strike about half to two-thirds of it’s body length. If it is on an incline or situated in the right way, it can be more. Rattlesnakes do not jump out, however, or strike into the air many times their body length, as is sometimes claimed. It’s best to assume that the snake you’re looking at will break all records … but giving it several feet of space as you walk around it on the trail will be just fine.

If I am bitten, what first aid should I apply?

None. It may not sit well with us, but there is no effective first aid for rattlesnake bites. Do not tie off the affected area, even with a compression bandage to slow the flow of venom. Put the snake bite kit away, and call 911 and wait for instructions.

When is rattlesnake breeding season?

In the Cave Creek area, excluding North of the city where Arizona Black Rattlesnakes start showing up (around Seven Springs), rattlesnakes generally mate in the Spring as they emerge from Winter brumation sites. They have babies later in the year, from about late July to early September.

Of course there are many exceptions, and they can court and mate any time of year, but if asked to define a general “breeding season”, these periods of time are most typical.

Is rattlesnake aversion training for my dog effective?

Yes! We have had great results with it. Owners of dogs that we have trained in Cave Creek have let us know when they’ve come in contact with a rattlesnake, and how well their dogs respond.

Of course, all dogs are different and some are more open to training than others, but if you have a dog that lives where rattlesnakes do, having him or her trained to avoid rattlesnakes is highly suggested.

For more information or to schedule a training session, call 480-304-5600, or email

Do rattlesnake repellants work?

No, don’t buy them; they’re a waste of money. Products that promise to repel rattlesnakes only make the yard stink. We have been called to capture rattlesnakes at many homes that been treated with it, and see no difference between those that have and those that have not.

Natural, home-remedy types of repellants, like lavendar, lemongrass, coffee grounds, rosemary, and whatever else someone else told you works, doesn’t. In fact, we have captured quite a few rattlesnakes in the Cave Creek area hiding in bushes planted specifically to repel snakes.

What do I do if I find a rattlesnake at my home?

Watch the snake, and call to have it professionally relocated. It may be a good idea to keep a phone number of a rattlesnake relocator handy, on the fridge or similar, if you live in a part of Cave Creek that comes in contact with open desert.

The person that comes to capture the snake may be able to tell you why it’s there to begin with. Often, there are features on the property that are attracting rattlesnakes that can me modified or eliminated to prevent future encounters.

How do I lower my change of being bitten by a rattlesnake while hiking?

Be aware of your surroundings, and don’t step or reach anywhere that you can’t see. Accidental bites are rare, and can be avoided, for the most part, by keeping your eyes and ears open.

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